Flexitanks » Types of flexitanks » liner-bag


World-famous container Liner Bag represents some kind of inlay, that is produced from polymer, that duplicates a form of transport container. Sometime it's also called Dry Bulk Liner or Dry Bulk Container Liner.

Liner Bag can follow the contours both of sea dry-cargo and railway containers. It's perfect for transportation of solid friable or bulk loads, and also it's used for carriage of packaged products.

These inlays are used for six- and twelve-meter containers of different types. Depending on kind of loading equipment, that is planned to use, there are any construction variants of front partition of inlay.

There are several technologies that can be used in loading and unloading of goods in liner-bag. Gravitational method (gravity flow) and use of air conveyor or thrower are the most popular.ometimes conveyor belt or conveyer screw and also vacuum lines can be used as loading equipment.

Advantages of liner-bag

  • Possibility of maximum use of Liner Bag's useful volume;
  • capaciousness - it can hold up to 37,5 t;
  • guarantee of load protection - because of frame made of laminated polymeric material (polypropylene fabric) and slush joints, it provides reliable load protection from different environmental factors (high humidity, dust and other);
  • almost non-contact - it doesn't come in touch with load;
  • cleanness of container for transportation;
  • it speeds up a delivery - there is no need in transfer of load, so it speeds up a delivery “door-to-door”. Besides, it allows to carry out an automatic loading and unloading of goods;
  • assembling and servicing convenience - it's necessary about two men for servicing Liner Bag, and installation takes less then 10 minutes;
  • light in weight - unfilled inlay weigh less than 18 kg;
  • Liner Bag has all necessary certificates, passed technical tests and it's easy to utilize it.
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